Pledge Culture

Meet The Pledgers — Gary

Welcome to the Meet The Pledgers series in which we’ll be talking to members of our team to find out what their job involves and get a little glimpse of their day to day lives at work. We hope it will also give you a flavour of our culture.

Today we’ll be talking to Gary Gonsalvez, who is our Head of Marketing. Recently Gary has kicked off research on our go-to-market strategy to ensure that we continue to meet the needs of our clients. 

Why did you apply to work at Pledge?

I was drawn to Pledge because of its purpose and vision. I’ve been actively trying to reduce my own carbon footprint and I believe that we collectively need to take more climate action. I also liked the fact that Pledge’s climate solutions are grounded in technology and that the product makes emissions calculation, analysis and offsetting simple and accessible. 

What does an average day look like in your job? 

I work across all different areas of marketing and every day is different. At the moment, we’re still at the stage of building solid foundations. I’ve been working on an industry and market analysis project which would enable us to further drill down into the exact pain points and challenges that businesses face when it comes to sustainability. I’ve also been attending events, and meeting business leaders in person to understand their challenges in more detail and tell them about Pledge. 

What have you learnt so far about the challenges that businesses face when it comes to climate action? 

It’s clear that businesses understand why taking climate action is important. What they struggle with is knowing how to get started on their sustainability journeys. There is so much information out there and as a business leader it’s difficult to grasp which elements of it relate to you and who to trust. That’s why Pledge is all about cutting carbon confusion.

What developments at Pledge are you most excited about?

Recently, we launched our new website and brand. The website drives people to the product, which enables users to self-serve and get started with emissions measurements in minutes. We’re also launching our offsetting marketplace, which offers a broad range of offsets and carbon removal technologies to businesses across sectors.  

What is Pledge Life about for you? 

For me it’s about fostering a culture of excellence and innovation. It’s also about continuing to expand my knowledge and surrounding myself with smart people and learning from them.

What would you say to someone who might be looking to join your team? 

I’d say that you’d be joining a fast-paced, dynamic team in which there is never a dull moment. If you’re driven, accountable, and keen to build something from scratch, we’re the place for you. It’s also highly motivating to be contributing to the important and ongoing fight against climate change. 

Think it could be the perfect workplace for you? 

Find out more about our team and culture here. We’re currently hiring for a range of roles. Take a look at all our vacancies here.